Planned Giving

Here is an easy way to leave your legacy of safety and hope for adults and children in our community.  By developing a plan that includes Betty Griffin Center, you support a violence-free future.  Please review the information below to ensure Healing for now and Hope for tomorrow.

Help Me Plan My Gift Based On...

Giving Amount


The most popular options for a gift in this range:

  • Outright gift of cash
  •  Outright gift of appreciated securities
  • Donor advised fund
  • Gift in your will or living trust
  • Charitable gift annuity
  • Beneficiary designations

The most popular options for a gift in this range:

  • Outright gift of cash
  •  Outright gift of appreciated securities
  • Donor advised fund
  • Gift in your will or living trust
  • Charitable gift annuity
  • Beneficiary designations

The most popular options for a gift in this range:

  • Outright gift of cash
  • Outright gift of appreciated securities
  • Donor advised fund
  • Gift in your will or living trust
  • Charitable gift annuity
  • Beneficiary designations

The most popular options for a gift in this range:

  • Outright gift of appreciated securities
  • Gift in your will or living trust
  • Beneficiary designations
  • Charitable gift annuity
  • Outright gift of life insurance
  • Charitable remainder trust
  • Charitable lead trust



The best gift options for you:

  • Outright gift of cash
  • Outright gift of appreciated securities
  • Donor advised fund Gift in your will or living trust
  • Beneficiary designations

The best gift options for you:

  • Outright gift of cash
  • Outright gift of appreciated securities
  • Donor advised fund Gift in your will or living trust
  • Beneficiary designations

The best gift options for you:

  • Outright gift of appreciated securities
  • Gift in your will or living trust
  • Charitable gift annuity
  • Beneficiary designations
  • Outright gift of real estate
  • Charitable remainder trust
  • Charitable lead trust

The best gift options for you:

  • Outright gift of appreciated securities
  • Gift in your will or living trust
  • Charitable gift annuity
  • Beneficiary designations
  • Make a gift tax-free with an IRA
  • Outright gift of life insurance
  • Outright gift of real estate
  • Charitable remainder trust
  • Charitable lead trust



Most popular ways to give this asset:

  • Outright gift of cash
  • Gift in your will or living trust
  • Charitable gift annuity
  • Donor advised fund
  • Charitable remainder trust
  • Charitable lead trust

Most popular ways to give this asset:

  • Outright gift of cash
  • Gift in your will or living trust
  • Charitable gift annuity
  • Donor advised fund
  • Charitable remainder trust
  • Charitable lead trust

Most popular ways to give this asset:

  • Beneficiary designations
  • Make a gift tax-free with an IRA
  • Charitable remainder trust
  • Donor advised fund

Most popular ways to give this asset:

  • Outright gift of real estate
  • Gift in your will or living trust
  • Charitable gift annuity
  • Charitable remainder trust
  • Charitable lead trust
Ready to Plan Your Gift to the Betty Griffin Center?