We are excited to introduce a new and fun way to help survivors of domestic and sexual violence in our community — The Quarter Auction — set for 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, May 4 at The Tringali Barn, located at 7310 US-1 in St. Augustine.

A quarter auction is a fun mix of part raffle, part auction fundraiser. The event will emceed by Anne Bonney, a dynamic conference and keynote speaker, two-time author and host of the hit podcast Dancing in the Discomfort Zone, You can also enjoy drinks, including mimosas and beer, visit food trucks for lunch — or shop among more than 20 local vendors at the event.

Tickets are $20 per person. Just click here to order.

All proceeds from this event will be used to support our shelter operations, counseling, advocacy…and all the other services we provide to survivors in St. Johns County.

How the Quarter Auction Works.

Once you arrive at the event, you will receive a numbered paddle — and a corresponding numbered ball will be put into a drawing bin.

Each round gives you an opportunity to bid on an auction item — with bids starting at one quarter.

Once the bid is announced, everyone has an opportunity to bid by placing one quarter (or up to four quarters) into their jar. Once all the bids are in and the paddles are raised, a randomly chosen number is called. If the person with that number placed a bid, he or she wins that item.

Numbers will continue to be drawn until there is a winner.

1 Quarter Bid – Item value $10 – $25

2 Quarter Bid – Item value $26- $50

3 Quarter Bid – Item value $51- $75

4 Quarter Bid – Items value $75 -$100

Any auctions over $100 in value will be eight (8) quarters

Bring your rolls of quarters and bid on more than 60 auction items ranging from $10 – $100 in Value. (Additional rolls of quarters will be on sale at the event.)

If you are interested in donating some items to auction at the event, please contact Carole Sullivan at caroles@bettygriffincenter.org!

A special thanks to the Shee Family for donating the barn for this event!