Betty Griffin Center is composed of a dedicated Board of Directors that oversees the CEO, ensuring we have the resources available to meet the needs of all the survivors of domestic and sexual abuse for whom we serve and providing the structure and vision of our center.
Board of Directors
The responsibilities of the Board:
- Determine Betty Griffin Center’s mission and purpose
- Select the executive director
- Provide proper financial oversight
- Ensure adequate resources
- Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintains accountability
- Ensure effective organizational planning
- Recruit and orient new board members and assesses the board
- Enhance Betty Griffin Center’s public standing
- Determine, monitor, and strengthen our programs and services
- Support the executive director and assesses his or her performance.
For more information on the Board…
Please contact Chief Executive Officer Kelly Franklin at 904-808-8544 or email

Outreach Office:
Betty Griffin Center
2450 Old Moultrie Rd, Ste. 202,
St. Augustine, FL 32086
M-F 8:30a.m. - 5p.m. (904) 808-8544 -Voice

Follow Us
The Betty Griffin Center complies with state and federal non-discrimination laws and policies that prohibit discrimination. Our policy is to ensure equal opportunity for all people who have experienced domestic and/or sexual abuse to participate in and benefit from the programs and activities provided. In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of Justice policy, Betty Griffin Center is prohibited from, discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age or disability.