This September, have a great meal at Columbia Restaurant in St. Augustine and support us at the same time!

In fact, you can enjoy some great food at any of the seven Columbia Restaurants in Florida during the 27th Annual Columbia Restaurant Community Harvest program — including the location here at 98 St. George St. in the Olde Town area of St. Augustine — with five percent of your check donated to the Betty Griffin Center.

For the entire month, Columbia donates five percent of all guests’ lunch and dinner checks to the charitable organizations chosen by customers. Guests simply choose a charity from a ballot that’s provided with the check and the restaurant calculates the five percent. There’s no additional cost to the guest.

“Every dollar we receive through this annual fundraiser makes a tremendous impact on our ability to operate our shelter for victims of domestic and sexual violence and helps with funding the prevention programs we provide throughout the county,” said Betty Griffin Center Development Director Kenlie Kubart. “It’s a fun way to give and support a very serious cause.”

Click here to make your September reservation — and thanks for your support.

Over the past 26 years, the Columbia Restaurant Community Harvest has donated more than $4 million to non-profit organizations throughout Florida.

PS – This year, you can also dine at Cha Cha Coconuts, Ulele, Goody Goody and Casa Santo Stefano locations in Florida in September and make your donation at those restaurants, as well.